Applied arts and fine arts courses are the most popular courses, as are prestigious schools such as Boulle, Olivier de Serres-Ensaama, Camondo, Ensad (The National School of Decorative Arts) or La Martinière which attract many candidates. In all, the French Council of Interior Architects ( CFAI ) recognizes 14 Bac + 2 courses at Bac + 5:
Bac + 2 level
• BTS space design;
• BTS layout of the architectural environment;
• Diploma of Crafts (DMA) arts of housing;
• Diploma of Crafts (DMA) architectural decor.
Bac +3 level
• National Diploma of Arts and Techniques (DNAT) space design.
Bac +4 level
• Higher Diploma of Applied Arts (DSAA) interior architecture and model development;
• Higher Diploma of Applied Arts (DSAA) creator-designer option interior architecture and environment.
Level Bac + 5
• National Diploma of Plastic Arts (DNAP) design;
• Higher National Diploma of Plastic Expression (DNSEP) design Toulouse and Angers;
• Diploma of Ensad-Arts Déco specialized in interior architecture;
• Diploma from Camondo School, Esag, Charpentier Academy, Blue School, Esail de Lyon …
Private trainings at a distance
Beyond the major schools of decoration and architecture, many courses are now offered remotely by various training organizations. But one does not improvise interior designer on a whim. If you choose one of these courses, make sure that your training is registered with the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications). Also find out about the training that interests you before you start and pay anything.