What Is Respite?

Caring for a loved one with a disability or age-related condition is often a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. It is important for a carer to seek support and take time out to recharge their own energy levels, as they will need it for their own wellbeing and the benefit of their caring role.

For many people, respite is a great option for taking a short break from their carer duties. It is available informally through family and friends or more professionally through disability services and aged care.

Respite is a form of temporary care, either in your home or in a community setting. It can be organised for a few days, weeks or longer, and can help to relieve pressure on a carer. It can also provide a chance for the person receiving care to experience other people and social activities outside their usual environment.

In-home respite usually involves a support worker coming into your home to respite Brisbane  assist with daily tasks. It can be arranged in advance, for example, when you are going on holiday or need a few hours to go shopping. It can also be organised at short notice in an emergency. Centre-based day respite usually takes place at a club, day centre or residential setting. It can include meals, transport and social activities for the person receiving care. Residential respite can be arranged for a few days or a few weeks, and allows the person receiving care to experience living in an aged care residence. It may be paid for by the government and/or local council.

Some types of respite are available through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). NDIS participants should contact their Local Area Coordinator to discuss including respite in their plan. The NDIS supports respite both in the community and in residential care. It can be paid for partially or fully by NDIS funding or privately by the participant or their support network.

For people with aged care needs, the government’s My Aged Care program subsidises respite stays in an aged care residence. Eligible people can receive up to 63 days of subsidised residential respite in a financial year. Additional days may be approved by an aged care assessor if required. A basic daily fee and booking fee applies, but no accommodation charge or income-tested fees are payable.

Finding and arranging respite care can be confusing, frustrating and time-consuming. To make it easier, the team at Aged Care Decisions can match you with a shortlist of providers in your area that meet your specific requirements and budget. To get started, click the button below to complete a short survey and we’ll get back to you shortly with your tailored list of respite care options.