What You Should Know About Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery is a common procedure that corrects vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. The procedure uses a computer-assisted laser to gently remove corneal tissue and then reshape it. This reduces the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Before the surgery, you’ll receive numbing drops to make sure your eyes don’t hurt during the procedure. This will make the process easier and faster, and you can feel more relaxed.

The operation involves creating a flap in your cornea, which is peeled back to allow the excimer laser to reshape the corneal tissue underneath. Then, the flap is placed back into position, and a shield is applied to protect your eye while it heals naturally.

There are 3 types of refractive surgery: LASIK, PRK and PIOL (phakic intraocular lens). With LASIK, a small circular flap is made in the cornea with a special automated knife called a microkeratome.

Once the flap is created, the excimer laser reshapes your corneal tissue to improve your vision. The laser removes a thin layer of your corneal tissue, and this can flatten your vision if you’re nearsighted or increase the curvature of your cornea to correct your farsightedness.

You will probably experience some discomfort, such as stinging and itching, for a few days after your procedure. This is normal and should get better over time.

It’s a good idea to use anti-inflammatory and antibiotic eye drops after your Laser eye procedure in Canada. Your doctor can also provide you with eyeglasses to wear while your eyes recover.

Some people experience a mild, itchy, or burning sensation in their eye after their procedure. These symptoms will gradually disappear over a few weeks.

Your surgeon will advise you to avoid rubbing your eyes for a few days after surgery. This is because it can cause the cornea to bleed or scar. It’s also a good idea to wear a plastic shield over your eye when sleeping, so that you don’t rub the eye while it heals.

You may need to schedule a few additional appointments after your surgery so that your eye doctor can monitor your progress and make sure your eyes are healing as they should be. You’ll also need to take a few days off work so that you can rest your eyes.

The majority of people who have this type of eye surgery are able to get rid of their need for glasses or contacts completely. However, about 1 in 10 will need another refractive surgery to keep their eyesight at a high level.

This may be due to a relapse of previous refractive error, or it might be due to a problem with the procedure itself. You should ask your doctor if there is any other treatment you should consider to avoid this happening in the future.

PIOL and RLE are usually safe and effective treatments for refractive errors. They can also help prevent the development of cataracts, which occur when the natural lens in your eyes becomes cloudy.